Linear Audio USB stick

Now available as a fully searchable PDF collection – the Linear Audio USB stick!

See this page for details and ordering info.

Linear Audio USB stick


Update 5 July 2012: Mason Green send me some info on an alternative to MathCad/MatLab: Scientific Python. He included a link to an excellent tutorial on Scientific Python. For an example of a…

The mic preamp Scott Wurcer developed in his articles in Vol 1 (Part I) and Vol 3 (Part II) were used to record a live concert at Stuart Yaniger's residence in Austin, TX in Nov 2011. I have placed two files online, and you can download them to listen…

This is the online version of Patrick K (alias EUVL) article in Linear Audio Vol 2. This article has generated considerable interest at diyaudio and with the publication of Vol 3 I have decided to…

This is not an article that has been published in Linear Audio, but I believe the data in the linked table is of importance to anyone seriously involved with record replay and reproduction, especially historical records.

The first reference is…

In Linear Audio Volume 1, Bruno Putzeys wrote  The F-word - or, why there is no such thing as too much feedback. He addresses many issues related to…

The first issue of Linear Audio had an article by Nelson Pass inspired by a vintage Western Electric design, later revived by Jean Hiraga in the French journal L'Audiophile. It's a model of minimalistic design and I placed it on-line for you to read…

Aat Vroegop commented on a circuit issue in Frank Blöhbaum's article on Multiplied Transconductance Amplifiers in Vol 6, specifically on the very large capacitance value for the output stage current source bypassing.

Frank provided an…

Hans Polak commented on Burkhard Vogel's article in Volume 7 'The Poor Man's Measurment Amplifier'. Here are his comments and replies from Burkhard.

Marcel van de Gevel's article in Vol 4 'A tube-based phono preamplifier' was concluded with a sidebar, starting on page 128, under the heading 'Phono amplifier with a +1 term'. Some of the time constant notations did not make it through the layout…

Several typos crept into Ian Hegglun's Vol 4 article "Towards a reconciliation of measurements with listening tests".

Some of these, notably fig 6 and fig 10, have been addressed in Ian's reply to Burkhard Vogel's letter.

The remainder are…

Unfortunately, on one page of Erno Borbely and Sigurd Ruschkowski's article on the Proteus current inpout phono preamp, a few terms have disappeared during the layout process. Here is the…

In Volume 5, Bruno Putzeys offered a demo preamp project as part of his article The G-word, or how to get your Audio off the Ground. In the power supply section are four 2.2 ohms resistors, R25, R26, R27 and R28, as inrush limiters. The ressitors…

Update Feb. 2022: ONsemi has announced end-of-life for the series FET, the FDP12N60NZ. As a replacement I recommend the NTP110N65S3HF. There is a variant with an isolated case, the NTPF110N65S3Hf which is NOT a good…

Interview with Nelson Pass for MultiMediaManufacturer (Feb 2010)


A veritable smorgasbord of historical articles is maintanted and still being extended by Douglas Self. Especially his Wireless World section of…

I am collecting 'classic' (not necessarily old) articles and papers that I find significant to further our understanding of audio technology. These papers are often quite old, and it would be difficult if not impossible to find a copyright holder.…

Interview with Malcolm Hawksford for AudioXpress journal, part 1 and part 2.

The State of Audio "The scientific method is a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century. It consists of systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of…

We visit Mundorf


Ian Hegglun send me two historical articles on the properties of so-called Current Feedback Amplifiers and Transconductance Circuits in general.

Grounding, Shielding and Guarding. This is a chapter (Chapter 32) from  Fluke book on calibration: 

Recently I ran into the issue of input Common Mode (CM) distortion in opamps. Especially in non-inverting series feedback configurations, both inputs of an opamp can show appreciable signal swing even when the input signal difference…