Everything about record replay characteristics, recording speeds and such.

This is not an article that has been published in Linear Audio, but I believe the data in the linked table is of importance to anyone seriously involved with record replay and reproduction, especially historical records.

The first reference is a comprehensive list of record manufacturers and speed formats and the pre-emphasis that has been used in producing the recording. It is clear that the ubiquitous RIAA pre-emphasis/ de-emphasis standard isn't really a standard, at least not in the early days of records.

The list has been compiled by Katsuyoshi Miguchi, the owner of SoundBox, an Antique Audio shop in Tokyo. It was originally published in Radio Technology magazine in Japan in October 2011. Reproduced here by kind permission of the Author and the Editor of RT magazine. I am indebted to Mr. Nakamura for arranging the permissions and for providing the English language translation.

If you have any additions and/or corrections to this table I would very much like to receive these, and I will update the list as needed. The last update will be noted at the end of the list.

The second reference is an article by Linear Audio author Gary Galo, who taught audio engineering at the Crane School of Music at SUNY, Potsdam. Gary wrote an article for the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ASRC) on the Columbia replay equalisation curve.

The Association kindly agreed to place this article online. The powerpoint slides Gary uses for his presentations on the subject is also attached.