Linear Audio USB stick

Now available as a fully searchable PDF collection – the Linear Audio USB stick!

See this page for details and ordering info.

Linear Audio USB stick


My Interviews

Over a period of several years I have interviewed audio luminaries. It started when Ed Dell asked me to go to Munich to interview Erno Borbely, and one led to another. Several of them can be read here online, courtesy AudioXpress…

On feedback and related subjects Small-Signal Distortion in Feedback Amplifiers for Audio, James Boyk and Gerald J Sussman, April 2003 Combining positive and negative feedback - John M. Miller, Electronics, March 1950. First commercial successful…


On perception and (subjective or objective) testing - Audio - Science in the service of Art, by Floyd E Toole, PhD, at the time Vice President Acoustical…

Vol 7 Hans Polak commented on Burkhard Vogel's article in Volume 7 'The Poor Man's Measurment Amplifier'. Here are his comments and replies from Burkhard.
Joachim Gerhard's Guest Editorial in Volume 7 about his G-pole development contains several hand-drawn figures. Although the figures in itself are correct, the references to them in the text are not always correct. The correct references are…


Linear Audio articles on USB stick!

In 2017 I stopped adding new…

About Jan Didden
There are many valuable resources, websites and blogs out there. I've handpicked a few of them.


This sections shows schema's, instructions, caveats and experiences with designs you can build (or modify!) yourself. LinearAudio occasionally provides for DIY workshops with pre-selected components and supervision. Check out the schedule! Disclaimer…
Linear Audio, your tech audio resource, continues to offer you stimulating, interesting and thought-provoking articles as well as projects you can build.
Vol 6 Aat Vroegop commented on a circuit issue in Frank Blöhbaum's article on Multiplied Transconductance Amplifiers in Vol 6, specifically on the very large capacitance value for the output stage current source bypassing. Frank…
Testing One, Two, Three... Stuart Yanigers' Linear Audio Volume 2 article with this title has drawn considerable interest from both audio professionals as well as serious amateurs and hobbyists. Many readers requested to make it available…
Vol 4 Marcel van de Gevel send an addendum to his Volume 4 article A tube based phono preamp. In this preamp, neone lamps are used as overvoltage protection elements. The addendum gives information how to make sure that the neon lamps ignite timely…
In Volume 5, Bruno Putzeys offered a demo preamp project as part of his article The G-word, or how to get your Audio off the Ground. In the power supply section are four 2.2 ohms resistors, R25, R26, R27 and R28, as inrush limiters. The ressitors shown…
High Octane phono preamp In Vol 6, Hannes Allmaier published his Peter Baxandall - inspired High Octane phono preamp. To facilitate building this preamp, Hannes gives some building tips and lists the Bill of Material. He also graceously provided the…
Vol 6 Frank Blöhbaum has send me an addendum to his V6 article on Multipled Transconductance Amplifiers. The addendum addresses some changes to the circuitry to improve reliability in the case of heavy overdrive.
LSJ74B preliminary data sheet Linear Systems has send me the preliminary data sheet for the LSJ74B, the long-awaited replacement for the discontinued Toshiba 2SJ74B. This is posted here for the benefit of those who purchased Linear Audio Vol 6 asnd…