Linear Audio USB stick

Now available as a fully searchable PDF collection – the Linear Audio USB stick!

See this page for details and ordering info.

Linear Audio USB stick


Grounding, Shielding and Guarding. This is a chapter (Chapter 32) from  Fluke book on calibration: 

Was that really your decision? - Libet's Half Second Benjamin Libet made a name for himself by poking into other people's heads. Really. He had a friend neuro-surgeon who would remove parts of people's brains to try to cure them from seizures. The…

The Hidden Forces that Shape our Decisions

This is a delightful book offering insight into why we do the things we do, and why we think the things we think. As the title gives away, the book makes the case that what we do and think is not at…

Talking Substance in an Age of Style

Note: This article is adapted from a blog I did at, where it elicited…


On perception and (subjective or objective) testing - Audio - Science in the service of Art, by Floyd E Toole, PhD, at the time Vice President Acoustical…

In audio design, we all "stand on the shoulders of giants". Some of them I had the privilege to interview. But there are many, many people who do interesting things in audio and document their adventures on their websites. And oh yes, the * indicates…

"The same thrill, the same awe and mystery, come again and again when we look at any problem deep enough. With more knowledge comes deeper, more wonderful mystery, luring one on to penetrate deeper still" Richard P Feynman, The pleasure of finding…

Interview with Erno Borbely for AudioXpress journal. Erno has written many articles for Audio Amateur and later for AudioXpress, and has advocated JFET-based, often open-loop, audio circuits. He cut his audio teeth designing power amps for …

Audio as a hobby Although audio has had my lifelong interest, I must confess that I never worked in the audio industry in any shape or form. I did a short stint at Philips in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, developing TV high-voltage/flyback transformers…


I have a habit of reading several books in parallel, sort off. The reason is that after reading a section in a book, I often need some time (unconciously, mostly) to digest the material. That takes some time, which I spend reading…

Update April 2017: I was made aware of another large zip-repository of Cyril's work. Thanks to Kevin Thompson and Sebastion Veyrin-Forrer. 

During 2002 and 2003 Electronics…

Some interesting papers and utilities - collected with no clear plan, just caught when I came across them! 

Remember the circlotron amplifier design concept? I came across a delightful little book from 1962, in Dutch (my native…


A veritable smorgasbord of historical articles is maintanted and still being extended by Douglas Self. Especially his Wireless World section of…

On feedback and related subjects Small-Signal Distortion in Feedback Amplifiers for Audio, James Boyk and Gerald J Sussman, April 2003 Combining positive and negative feedback - John M. Miller, Electronics, March 1950. First commercial successful…

I am collecting 'classic' (not necessarily old) articles and papers that I find significant to further our understanding of audio technology. These papers are often quite old, and it would be difficult if not impossible to find a copyright holder.…

What I've done and am up to... Early 2013, the Belgian/Dutch online HiFi publications FWD* organised an HiFi event in a fantastic location, the previous building of Radio Netherlands from AM times.(Radio Kootwijk for those who are Dutch).…

Must-read references: 

Regulators for high-performance audio, Walt Jung, Jan Didden, Gary Galo, The Audio Amateur, 1994/1995,  Part 1,…

The State of Audio "The scientific method is a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century. It consists of systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of…

We visit Mundorf

Update Feb. 2022: ONsemi has announced end-of-life for the series FET, the FDP12N60NZ. As a replacement I recommend the NTP110N65S3HF. There is a variant with an isolated case, the NTPF110N65S3Hf which is NOT a good…

My Interviews

Over a period of several years I have interviewed audio luminaries. It started when Ed Dell asked me to go to Munich to interview Erno Borbely, and one led to another. Several of them can be read here online, courtesy AudioXpress…