Linear Audio USB stick

Now available as a fully searchable PDF collection – the Linear Audio USB stick!

See this page for details and ordering info.

Linear Audio USB stick


I usually do not discuss audio books here, I used to publish reviews in Linear Audio. But this book is unique and needs some attention, so there!

Readers of Linear Audio will be familiar with author Burkhard Vogel; he heas written…


Update August 2021

Finally got around to complete my two builds in a nice…

One of my earlier artyicles for Audio Amateur (the predecessor to AudioXpress) was about a modification to my Philips CD-303 players. I decided that the standard I/V converter wasn't good enough and a simple one with very short signal path would…

Remember the great journal Wireless World? That's where I published my first articles when I started to write audio stuff. In May 1980 they published my design for a Solid State Switched Attenuator. The design was for a 60dB range auydio attenuator…


In the Good Old Days (Feb. 1991!) I wrote an article for Audio Amateur on a remote control volume and balance control I designed. The design was based on a set of potmeters driven by stepper motors. The actual control commands were…

In Linear Audio Vol 12, Vincent Thiernesse proposed Efficient, unity power-factor, low cost audio power amp supplies. The article discussed the concepts and a general imnplementation. Vincent also wrote about this in the AudioXpress…

Mr. Vogel provided several appendices for his article that did not make it into the printed Volume 13. They are downloadable here; with thanks to author Vogel.

The article in Vol 13 describes the hardware and software setup for an electro-acoustic measurement system based on a soundcard driven by a MathLab / Octave compatible collection of test routines. You can develop your own test routines for your own…

Although Marcel's article in Vol 13 is very complete, some of the more practical desing information like FPGA code and PCB layouts didn't make it into the printed version. Marcel has graciously agreed to make the…

An error crept into the final Current Source Driven amplifier, page 143, figure 4. The polarity of the output transistors should be swapped. A corrected figure can be downloaded…

Rudolf has published earlier articles in Linear Audio related to finding the lowest distortion solution for an ultra-linear circuit. However, on closer examination it turned out that his…

Thermal issues in MOSFETs operating in linear mode.

During the development of my electrostatic Direct…

Linear Audio Vol 12 contains an article by Hans Polak on the design of a 'non-plus ultra' phono preamp. Hans has kindly agreed to make the PCB layout Gerber files available for…

Bob Coldell´s high quality KT88 tube amp article in Vol 2 generated quite some interest. In fact, I had a friend build one for myself! I designed a small PCB to hold the input and driver stages, to keep te construction clean and repeatable.…

Chris Paul's article looked in much detail into the aspects of Mu followers and related circuitry. Chris developed a spreadsheet and an LTspice file that enabled him (and you) to explore the impact of various variables as explained in the article…

Update Jan 2023:

At this point, I have no more autorangers available.. There are no plans for another batch.

Update December 2021:

Stop press: at this point I have to halt shipping of autorangers because I can't get the…

The diyaudio store has again SilentSwitchers in stock.

Update Jan 2023: There are no more SilentSwitchers available, and no…

There was a time that I was looking for an integrated solution for a small, medium power, transparent and wide bandwidth power amp. My idea was that it would be a great project for a tweeter amp. After all, tweeters handle the high…

The article by John Escalier in Volume 9 'Semiconductor junction dissipation and temperature -  theory and practice' discussed a spreadheet, developed by John, to facilitate calculating the various parameters for thermal management…

Doug Self published a full-fledged preamp design in Volume 5. The design features a sophisticated tone control system. Tone controls have all but disappeared from commercial equipment as implementations were not always high enough quality. However,…