Mu Followers and Mu Stages have been available to the audio community for some time.
Mu Followers and Mu Stages have been available to the audio community for some time.
If there is a question in audio without a convincing answer, it is certainly the one about the wa
This amplifier design is, as the American expression says, “well off the beaten path”. It d
There are numerous designs and many commercially available Phono Preamps on the market, but there
This article deals with audio power amplifier power supplies with sine wave current absorption, s
‘Rumble’ is actually not a very accurate description.
This article considers the measurement of harmonic distortion in capacitors using a bridge circui
In recent times the audio and consumer media seem to have latched onto the term High Definition o
With this book, the author succeeded in convincing me that for loudspeakers, current drive is, in
Morgan Jones' conclusion after a thourough review: “The Art of Electronics” 3rd
Douglas Self's artcle on differential rumble cancellers (vol 10) provoked Marcel van de Gev