About us

About Linear Audio - your tech audio resource -
What we are, what we do and why

What - Linear Audio is a vehicle for publishing technical information, developments and the state of the art of audio from a technical perspective. 
Why - Audio has been my hobby for more than 35 years. There always were many magazines and publications where I could still my hunger for technical audio knowledge and information. However, in the last decade, the number of sources has diminished considerably; economical realities make it difficult to maintain a viable monthly publication for a niche market. I decided to do something about it - to provide an outlet for authors to write about their accomplishments and projects, and to provide a technical audio resource for those interested. 
How - Linear Audio is a printed publication, published in a schedule that will be determined by available content of the required quality level. A publication of minimum two issues per year (April and September) of about 200 pages of technical content is anticipated. I call it a 'bookzine'. Linear Audio will be sold on-line through www.linearaudio.net
By whom - Linear Audio will be published by Linear Audio Publishing from Turnhout, Belgium, which is my little publishing adventure. Content will be selected from submissions from professional and serious amateurs and diy-ers alike, the sole criterion being the quality and timeliness of the content. 
For whom - Linear Audio is meant for anyone who is interested in technical audio developments or who wants to contribute to them. Being employed in audio engineering is not a requirement at all. Happy reading, happy writing, happy building and happy listening! 

Jan Didden
Linear Audio
Publisher/Managing Editor