Excerpts from Linear Audio USB stick reviews.
(source: AudioXpress October 2021)
“If you love audio electronics [..], you will not be sorry you got this collection of top-notch material” - Bob Cordell
"… I will always insist that anyone interested or professionally involved in audio technology should own this collection” - Dimitri Danyuk
“The articles in Linear Audio are of such uniformly excellent quality that singling out highlights is difficult” – Gary Galo
The “extras” on the flash drive include a five part video series by Jan Didden about “Feedback in Audio Amplifiers,” totaling more than two hours, and eight additional articles, some recent and others of considerable historical interest. These include Jan’s interview with Malcolm Hawksford (originally published in audioXpress, November 2009), a slide show for a presentation by Jan on amplifier feedback (with contributions by Bob Cordell), John M. Miller’s “Combining Positive and Negative Feedback” (Electronics, March 1950), another article by Miller on the origin of the “Miller Effect” (Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards, 1919-1920), H. S. Black’s “Stabilized Feedback Amplifiers” (Bell System Technical Journal, January 1934), and 21 pages of hand-drawn notes related to feedback in audio amplifiers.
Ordering info:
Get it at the diyaudio store (Americas) or from Elektor International (European Union, Rest of the World).