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My projects
The L|A Autoranger
The SilentSwitcher
T-reg HV regulator
A motorized remote vol/bal controller
A solid state switched attenuator
DCX2496 active output mod & 6-channel vol control
HP14570 Power Controller
Simple, high-quality I/V converter
The AD815 Power Amp
The HV Delay
The Superregs
Winfield Hill's 100W, 10MHz, 1000V/uS AMP-70
paX - an error-correction power amp
My ramblings
Interesting places
Linear Audio Academy Educational Services
Reading table
Tech audio
Appendices for Burkhard Vogel's Challenging BJT noise in Vol 13
Appendices for Rudolf Moers' V13 article An investigation into the screen tap
Audio files for Wurcer mic preamp article V1, V3.
BV & DK to FB V0-4
BV to JG V0-5
BV to OP V1-1
BV to catodyne SY V0-3
BW to OP V1-5
CB to ES V1-4
CP on catodyne Vol 0-2
CP to SY V0-1
Current driven Output-stage class AB power amplifier
Design data package for Marcel van de Gevel's Valve DAC from Vol 13
Effective tip mass for record replay cartridges
Everything about record replay characteristics, recording speeds and such.
M-files for the electro-acoustic test system by VanderKooy and Mann in Vol 13
MvdG to BP V1-2
MvdV to BP V1-0
PCB for Bob Cordell´s KT88 tube amp from Vol 2
Product Review: Smyth Research Inc. Realiser A8
PvW to SY V0-6
RR additional material V1-3
SG to ES V1-6
The valve DAC - Submicron silicon meets submillimetre vacuum
Vol 0 JG Down the Rabbit Hole
Worksheets and simulation files for Chris Paul's What's Mu with you? Volume 12
Zen > Cen > Sen - Evolution of a Minimalistic IV Conversion Circuit
Linear Audio Labs Silent Switcher
The Linear Audio AutoRanger
Elektor Speaker Camp
2012 Burning Amp
Highest Fidelity Circuit Cellar interview
Highest Fidelity Circuit Cellar interview