Hans Polak book review 'Current Driving of Loudspakers' Vol 12

It was pointed ot to me that the references in the aricle ran through [24] but in the article itself the last one is ref [17]... My bad, apologies to Hans Polak, and here are the missing references:

[18]        AES E-Library, Investigation of Current Driven Loudspeakers. Authors: Schneider, Agerkvist, Knott and Andersen. (May 2015)

[19]        AES E-Library, Distortion Improvement in the Current Coil of a Loudspeaker. Authors: Pillonnet, Sturtzer, Rossignol, Tournier and Lemarquand. (May 2013)

[20]        AES E-Library, Comparative Analysis og Moving-Coil Loudspeaker driven by Voltage and Current sources. Authors: Bortoni, Noceti Filho and Seara. (October 2003)

[21]        AES E-Library, DSP in Loudspeakers. Author: Rumsey. (Jan 2008)

[22]        AES E-Library, DSP in Loudspeakers. Author: Staff AES (April 2004)

[23]        AES E-Library, Subjective Investigations of Inverse Filtering. Authors: Norcross, Scott, Soulodre, Gilbert and Lavoie. (October 2004)

[24]     http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/diyaudio-com-articles/158899-arpeggio-loudspeaker.html 
Author: Morgan Jones.