from numpy import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Define any paths here to make things easier. # A file path simply becomes HOME + 'file', for example. # note: trailing backslash. HOME = 'C:\Users\this_user\Desktop\\' # RIAA as an array of poles and zeros, Poles = RIAA[0], Zeros = RIAA[1] and Poles,Zeros = RIAA # both work. RIAA = [[50.048724,2122.0659],[500.48724,inf]] def dB(x): return 20*log10(abs(x)) def f_warp(f,fs): if f == 0: out = 0. elif f == inf: out = inf else: out = ((fs/pi)*tan(pi*abs(f)/fs)*(f/abs(f))) return out def f_from_z(z,fs): out = [] for x in z: if x == -1: out.append(inf) else: out.append((fs/pi)*(1-x)/(1+x)) return out def z_from_f(f,fs): out = [] for x in f: if x == inf: out.append(-1.) else: out.append(((fs/pi)-x)/((fs/pi)+x)) return out def Fs_at_f(Poles,Zeros,f,norm = 0): ans = 1. for z in Zeros: if z == inf: ans = ans*1.0 else: ans = ans*(z+1j*f) for p in Poles: if p == inf: ans = ans*1.0 else: ans = ans/(p+1j*f) if norm: ans = ans/max(abs(ans)) return ans def Fz_at_f(Poles,Zeros,f,fs,norm = 0): omega = 2*pi*f/fs ans = 1. for z in Zeros: ans = ans*(exp(omega*1j)-z_from_f([z],fs)) for p in Poles: ans = ans/(exp(omega*1j)-z_from_f([p],fs)) if norm: ans = ans/max(abs(ans)) return ans def z_coeff(Poles,Zeros,fs,g,fg,fo = 'none'): if fg == inf: fg = fs/2 if fo == 'none': beta = 1.0 else: beta = f_warp(fo,fs)/fo a = poly(z_from_f(beta*array(Poles),fs)) b = poly(z_from_f(beta*array(Zeros),fs)) gain = 10.**(g/20.)/abs(Fz_at_f(beta*array(Poles),beta*array(Zeros),fg,fs)) return (a,b*gain) def biquad_filter(xin,z_coeff): a = z_coeff[0] b = z_coeff[1] xout = zeros(len(xin)) xout[0] = b[0]*xin[0] xout[1] = b[0]*xin[1] + b[1]*xin[0] - a[1]*xout[0] for j in range(2,len(xin)): xout[j] = b[0]*xin[j]+b[1]*xin[j-1]+b[2]*xin[j-2]-a[1]*xout[j-1]-a[2]*xout[j-2] return xout def write_txt(filename,y): f = open(filename,'w') for x in range(0,len(y)): f.write('%(num)1.14e\n'% {"num" : y[x]}) f.close() def read_txt(filename): y = [] with open(filename,'r')as f: for line in f: y.append(float(line)) return array(y) def read_dat(filename): f = open(filename,'r') line = f.readline() samplerate = int(line.rsplit()[3]) line = f.readline() channels = int(line.rsplit()[2]) if channels == 2: left = [] right = [] for line in f: x = line.rsplit() left.append(float(x[1])) right.append(float(x[2])) f.close() return channels,samplerate,array(left),array(right) else: left = [] for line in f: x = line.rsplit() left.append(float(x[1])) f.close() return channels,samplerate,array(left) def write_dat(filename, sr, left, right='none'): f = open(filename,'w') f.writelines('; Sample Rate %d\n'%sr) period = 1/float(sr) if right == 'none': f.writelines('; Channels 1\n') norm = max(abs(left)) if norm == 0: norm = 1 for x in range(0 , len(left)): f.writelines('%1.9e %1.9e\n'%(x*period,left[x]/norm)) else: f.writelines('; Channels 2\n') x = max(abs(left)) norm = y = max(abs(right)) if x > y: norm = x if norm == 0: norm = 1 for x in range(0 , len(left)): f.writelines('%1.9e %1.9e %1.9e\n'%(x*period,left[x]/norm,right[x]/norm)) f.close() def plot_fft_log(fs, data, diff = 'none', start = 0,stop = 0, delay = 0): scale = float(fs)/len(data) if start < scale: start = scale first_bin = int(round(start/scale)) if stop > fs/2 or stop == 0: stop = fs/2 last_bin = int(round(stop/scale)) f = linspace(0, scale*((len(data)/2)-1), len(data)/2)[first_bin:last_bin] phase = 0. if delay: phase = linspace(0,360.*delay,len(data),endpoint = False) if diff == 'none': FsdB = dB(fft.fft(data))[first_bin:last_bin] Fsph = (angle(fft.fft(data),deg=1) + phase)[first_bin:last_bin] else: FsdB = (dB(fft.fft(data))-dB(fft.fft(diff)))[first_bin:last_bin] Fsph = (angle(fft.fft(data),deg=1) + phase - angle(fft.fft(diff),deg=1))[first_bin:last_bin] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,7.5)) fig.suptitle("Gain and Phase vs Frequency") ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.plot(f, FsdB) ax1.grid(True, which = "both", linestyle = "-") ax1.set_xscale ("log") ax1.set_ylabel("Gain - dB") ax1.set_xlabel("Frequency - Hz") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) ax2.plot(f, Fsph) ax2.grid(True, which = "both", linestyle = "-") ax2.set_xscale ("log") ax2.set_xlabel("Frequency - Hz") ax2.set_ylabel("Phase - degrees") def plot_fft_lin(fs, data,diff = 'none', start = 0, stop = 0, delay = 0): scale = float(fs)/len(data) if start < scale: start = scale first_bin = int(round(start/scale)) if stop > fs/2 or stop == 0: stop = fs/2 last_bin = int(round(stop/scale)) f = linspace(0, scale*((len(data)/2)-1), len(data)/2)[first_bin:last_bin] phase = 0. if delay: phase = linspace(0,360.*delay,len(data),endpoint = False) if diff == 'none': FsdB = dB(fft.fft(data))[first_bin:last_bin] Fsph = (angle(fft.fft(data),deg=1) + phase)[first_bin:last_bin] else: FsdB = (dB(fft.fft(data))-dB(fft.fft(diff)))[first_bin:last_bin] Fsph = (angle(fft.fft(data),deg=1) + phase - angle(fft.fft(diff),deg=1))[first_bin:last_bin] FsdB = dB(fft.fft(data))[first_bin:last_bin] Fsph = (angle(fft.fft(data),deg=1)+phase)[first_bin:last_bin] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,7.5)) fig.suptitle("Gain and Phase vs Frequency") ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.plot(f, FsdB) ax1.grid(True, which = "both", linestyle = "-") ax1.set_ylabel("Gain - dB") ax1.set_xlabel("Frequency - Hz") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) ax2.plot(f, Fsph) ax2.grid(True, which = "both", linestyle = "-") ax2.set_xlabel("Frequency - Hz") ax2.set_ylabel("Phase - degrees") def plot_dat(sound): if len(sound) == 3: [channels, sample_rate, left] = sound if len(sound) == 4: [channels, sample_rate, left, right] = sound if channels == 1: time = float((len(left)-1))/sample_rate f = linspace(0, time , len(left)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(f, left) ax.grid(True, which = "both", linestyle = "-") ax.set_ylabel("Amplitude") ax.set_xlabel("Time, sec") if channels == 2: time = float((len(left)-1))/sample_rate f = linspace(0, time , len(left)) m1 = max(abs(left)) maxv = m2 = max(abs(right)) if m1 > m2: maxv = m1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.axis([0,time,-maxv,maxv]) ax.plot(f, left) ax.grid(True, which = "both", linestyle = "-") ax.set_ylabel("Amplitude") ax.set_title("Left Channel") ax.set_xlabel("Time, sec") ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.axis([0,time,-maxv,maxv]) ax.plot(f, right) ax.grid(True, which = "both", linestyle = "-") ax.set_ylabel("Amplitude") ax.set_title("Right Channel") ax.set_xlabel("Time, sec") def plot_gain_phase(Poles, Zeros, zPoles = [], zZeros = [], fs = 48000.,fo = 1000. ,start = 20, stop = 20000,style = 0): flog = linspace(log10(start), log10(stop), 1000) f = 10.0 ** flog Fs = dB(Fs_at_f(Poles,Zeros,f))-dB(Fs_at_f(Poles,Zeros,fo)) angFs = angle(Fs_at_f(Poles,Zeros,f),deg = 1) if zPoles and zZeros: Fz = dB(Fz_at_f(Poles,Zeros,f,fs))-dB(Fz_at_f(Poles,Zeros,fo,fs)) angFz = angle(Fz_at_f(Poles,Zeros,f,fs),deg = 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) if zPoles and zZeros: if style: ax1.plot(f, Fs-Fz) else: ax1.plot(f, Fs) ax1.plot(f, Fz) else: ax1.plot(f, Fs) ax1.grid(True, which = "both", linestyle = "-") ax1.set_xscale ("log") ax1.set_ylabel("Gain - dB") ax1.set_xlabel("Frequency - Hz") ax1.set_title("Gain and Phase Plot") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) if zPoles and zZeros: if style: ax2.plot(f, angFs-angFz) else: ax2.plot(f, angFs) ax2.plot(f, angFz) else: ax2.plot(f, angFs) ax2.grid(True, which = "both", linestyle = "-") ax2.set_xscale ("log") ax2.set_xlabel("frequency - Hz") ax2.set_ylabel("Degrees") def min_phase_FIR(Poles,Zeros,fs,outfile,plot = 0): #Initialize a complex array to hold the frequency domain response Fdomain = zeros(fs,dtype=complex) #The "trick". The phase must be rotated at each frequency to eliminate #the abrupt discontinuity between fs/2 and -fs/2 in the frequency domain. #This dramatically reduces ringing in the time domain substituting a slight #delay which does not hurt the minimum phase properties. phz = -angle(Fs_at_f(Poles,Zeros,fs/2)) #Fill the array with the response up to fs/2 and fill the negative frequencies #with the complex conjugate which guarantees a real only inverse FFT. The phase #rotation is simply a multiply by e to the jTheta. for k in range(0,int(fs)/2-1): Fdomain[k+1]= exp(2j*phz*(float((k+1))/fs))*Fs_at_f(Poles,Zeros,k+1) Fdomain[fs-1-k] = conj(Fdomain[k+1]) #Fs/2 and zero frequency are done separately as book keeping #The phase rotation always makes fs/2 have 0 phase. Fdomain[fs/2] = abs(Fs_at_f(Poles,Zeros,fs/2)) Fdomain[0] = Fs_at_f(Poles,Zeros,0) #Now the impulse response is simply the inverse FFT. It is worth noting that #it is only very slightly non-causal in the case of RIAA. imp_res = fft.ifft(Fdomain) imp_res = array(real(imp_res),dtype = float64) #The result is normalized to 1, if you want you can normalize to 2*23-1 (24 bits). #I have not explored the implications with all programs, SoX does not compute a gain #normalization, but Foobar appears to fix the gain automatically so you don't clip. scale = max(abs(imp_res)) imp_res = (imp_res/scale) #move the peak to the middle imp_res = roll(imp_res,int(fs/2)) #Find where the output becomes less that 1/2 LSB mmax = 0 mmin = 0 for x in range(0,int(fs)): if (abs(imp_res[x]) > 2**-24) and (mmin == 0): mmin = x for x in range(int(fs)-1,0,-1): if (abs(imp_res[x]) > 2**-24) and (mmax == 0): mmax = x #write the trimmed file to disk write_dat(HOME + outfile + '.dat',fs,imp_res[mmin:mmax+1]) if plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) f = linspace(0, mmax-mmin, mmax-mmin+1) ax.plot(f, imp_res[mmin:mmax+1]) ax.grid(True, which = "both", linestyle = "-") ax.set_ylabel("Value") ax.set_title("Value vs. sample")